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Universal Grinder M1432B/1000 M1432B/3000 M1432B/1500

Short Description: UNIVERSAL CYLINDRICAL GRINDING MACHINE FEATURES: 1) Universal 2) Precise 3) With high rigidity 4) Reliable performance SPECIFICATIONS: MODEL UNIT SPECIFICATIONS M1432B×1000 M1432B×1500 M1432B×2000 M1432B×3000 General capacity Distance between centers mm 1000 1500 2000 3000 Center height mm 180 180 180 …

Cylindrical grinding machine price /Cylindrical grinder M1432B

M1432B Universal Cylindrical Grinder is an improved design of its predecessor, M131W and M1432A, with full retainment of their noteworthy merits. It is operated by hand and can be controlled and actuated either by power or by the hydraulic system. Specification. Specification:

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M1432B. Brand. SMTW. Type. Universal Cylindrical Grinders. Contact Sales Rep. Contact Sales Rep. New - Check Availability; Looking for a USED M1432B? Have one to sell? Add to Alerts. Remove from Alerts. Email This Model to an Associate.

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