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Profile Grinder | JF-330/JC312/JF-G5. Profile Grinder | JF-330/JC312/JF-G5 . . English. JEFFER MACHINERY CO., LTD. Home. About. Products. News. Catalog. Contact. Profile Grinder. Product ID: JF-330. Jeffer JF-330 Profile Grinder is the most important grinding machine for the plywood factory. It grinds on the basis of the shape of ...

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Looking to Purchase a New JEFFER JF-200? Contact Sales Rep. Distributors. US (Edit) Distributors 2. Wyldar Group Hongkong hongkong China. Jaya Metal Teknik East Jakarta Industrial Park (EJIP) Plot 5B-1 Cikarang, Bekasi, Jawa Barat Indonesia. Report any incorrect information. Similar Models. JEFFER JF-412. JEFFER JF-70S. JEFFER JF-300.

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Jeffer JF-330A Profile Knife Grinder – Global Tooling & Supply

Axial Constant System. We offer the Jeffer JF-330A profile grinder for 1:1 profile grinding on all your moulding and planing knives. Designed much like the German profile grinders that utilize a template, with additional features at a much more competitive price. We sell this model loaded with all the extra features for no extra charge.

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